All Registered OPSWA PSWs carry a ONE Million Dollar Liability Insurance
Insurance Provided By
Protect You - The PSW
As more news coverage is given to home care and the claims that can arise from it, it will become common for a potential client to ask to see proof of your liability insurance prior to hiring you.
Just as everyone asks to see proof of insurance before hiring a contractor or roofer, it’s not just PSW’s in the homecare sector that benefit from liability insurance. Nursing homes are beginning to manage and mitigate their risk exposure by transferring liability to the PSW via the employment contract.
Look for the phrases waiver of subjugation or hold harmless in your contact. Even if no such clause exists, the patient or their family could elect to name the PSW personally in addition to the nursing home in the lawsuit. The nursing home will only cover their defense costs, not the PSW’s.
Coverage Benefits
Personal Assets
You’ve worked hard to earn them. They will not be seized and you won’t be facing bankruptcy.
Errors & Omissions Coverage
Included in your OPSWA membership with $1,000,000 limit which can be increased for as low as $10.
Commercial General Liability Insurance
Can be purchased for as low as $50.